Written by 08:52 Travel

Top 7 Travel Podcasts to Inspire Your Wanderlust

Got a serious case of wanderlust, but stuck at your desk? Fear not, intrepid traveler! Podcasts offer a delightful escape, letting you explore the world from the comfort of your headphones. Whether you’re a seasoned globetrotter or an armchair adventurer, these top-notch podcasts will spark your imagination and leave you longing to pack a bag.

“We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.” – Anais Nin

1. Amateur Traveler

This award-winning show is a classic for a reason. Hosted by Chris Christensen, each episode deep-dives into a specific destination, with interviews and insights that go beyond the glossy guidebook recommendations. Ideal if you’re planning a trip and want practical tips mixed with a good dose of inspiration.

2. Zero To Travel

Jason Moore, the host, shares his own incredible journey from cubicle dweller to full-time traveler. Expect down-to-earth advice about funding your travels, tackling logistics on the road, and even finding location-independent careers that let you explore the world while earning a living.

3. JUMP with Traveling Jackie

Ever dreamed of ditching the 9-to-5 and setting off on a grand adventure? Jackie Nourse, the bubbly host, is your new best friend. This show dishes out practical advice, destination spotlights, and inspirational stories from travelers who’ve made the leap – the perfect motivator if you need that extra nudge.

4. Women Who Travel

Hosted by Lale Arikoglu and Meredith Carey, this podcast celebrates the experiences of female globetrotters. Tune in for empowering stories, hard-won lessons, and a strong focus on solo female travel. A fantastic reminder that women can (and do!) conquer the world.

5. The Thoughtful Travel Podcast

Sometimes, the best adventures are about the internal journey. Amanda Kendle interviews fascinating travelers whose explorations focus on personal growth, cultural exchange, and finding deeper meaning. If you’re the kind of traveler who’s always seeking more, this one’s for you.

6. Armchair Explorer

Feeling seriously adventurous? This podcast doesn’t just talk about trips, it brings them dramatically to life! Host Aaron Millar narrates true explorers’ tales – think climbing Everest or sailing the high seas. It’s your ticket to extreme expeditions without having to risk life and limb.

7. Extra Pack of Peanuts Travel Podcast

If you want to travel smart on a budget, this show’s your jam! Travis and Heather share clever strategies to score flight deals, find affordable accommodation, and stretch those travel dollars as far as they can go. Because let’s be honest, a little extra cash means more adventures!

Bonus Tip: Many shows have lively online communities or social media pages. Connect with fellow listeners to swap tips, share your own experiences, and create friendships sparked by your shared passion for travel.

There you have it – a diverse collection of podcasts guaranteed to fuel your wanderlust. Whether you’re dreaming of far-flung escapes, scheming your next weekend getaway, or simply want to experience the world vicariously through awesome stories, you’re covered. So pop on those headphones, let your mind roam free, and who knows? Maybe that place you’ve always dreamed of visiting will soon be a stamp in your passport!

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